We're on RaiseUP!


A special message for the kids or youth ministry leader in your life!

Your favourite 
Little Worship Company Curriculum has gone digital!

The Little Worship Company curriculum can now be found on RaiseUPfaith.com.

RaiseUP is a brand new, fresh out of the box resources platform perfectly designed for churches! Kids and youth ministry leaders can discover a constantly growing collection of some of the world's best kids and youth ministry content. With over 250 lessons, and 1,800 pieces of media & content from the likes of Little Worship Company, Spring Harvest's Big Start, God Rocks!, and Treasure Champs to name a few. 

Also, this summer there will be brand new, original content from the likes of LZ7, New Wine, and Taylormation as well as the exciting new God Rock's Dance Craze. With so much on site leaders are guaranteed to find the right content for any ministry moment.

RaiseUP believe that by working together with local kids ministry leaders; and by equipping churches with a constant stream of world class, christ-centred content, that we will see young lives impacted. Together, with God, we can play our part to raise up faith in the next generation!

So, if you're involved in kids or youth ministry then this is for you. If you're not, then forward it to your church's kids leaders today! It's because you've supported  Little Worship Company  that we want you, and your kids leaders to be among the first to see everything that RaiseUP has to offer, before we open it up to the wider church in early July. 

Try it out today with a 14 day FREE TRIAL! 

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